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The power of the mind 2

As an African living on the African continent, I step out everyday to literal images of poverty, lack and ignorance. This is a continent blessed with numerous natural wealth. My own country (Nigeria) is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Agriculture yields abundantly because the land is rich and fertile. The entire continent is so beautiful – although I know very little about economics – I think tourism alone if and when really developed could significantly alter each country’s per-capita GDP.
After World War II, most of Asia was on the same level, if not worse than their African counterparts. But the story today is painfully different. The likes of South Korea and Singapore amongst a host of others have grown from underdeveloped countries to first world countries. Worst still, they’ve achieved this without the advantage of the natural resources which are so abundant on the African Continent. What then is the difference? The answer is simple, mindset.
This write up is not meant to make any place or anyone seem superior or inferior in anyway. Please, I will really love to not be misunderstood. I love my continent Africa and I am a patriotic citizen of a country I love very much. But I need to emphasize the immense importance of the mind and how it affects our lives.
The difference between the rich and the poor is not time or a different anatomical make up, it is the mind. The difference between an upstanding citizen and a deviant is their mind. Although, the poor and deviant might have different excuses as to why they are in the mess they found themselves in, but the truth will always remain that they are really the way they are because their minds lack a certain level of knowledge and orientation which would have guaranteed a better life. A successful life is a product of a trained mind.
In my bid to learn, I’ve interacted with different kinds of people. This has led to the realization that the difference between successful people and those who can be categorized as poor is the way they think with their minds and not necessarily what they own. How they view circumstances and challenges is as different as night and day. I have seen poor people with poor mindsets come into a lot of money, only for their undeveloped minds to bring them crashing back down. I have also seen poor people with rich mindsets work their way up from nothing and remain up.
Nothing will ever affect your life like your mind. Who u were yesterday was a product of how your mind was yesterday, who you are today is a product of your present mindset, and your success tomorrow will be a product of how much you develop your mind.
Please join me next week as we continue our study of the mind, where we’ll be unveiling a major secret to success in “the power of the mind 3


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