You are not an accident. You weren't mass produced.
You aren't an assembly line product.
You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted
and lovingly positioned on Earth by the Master Craftsman.
Max Lucado.
Believing in yourself is a choice. It is an attitude you develop.
So many (if not too many) Africans today are trained - by the media, by parents and guardians, by our schools, by our culture - to have limiting "it's not possible, I don't deserve it" or "God knows I can't have it" beliefs. This early conditioning is often so ingrained that it takes continual external motivation to overcome the decades of negative influence and move toward more success-oriented thoughts and attitudes.
The words "I can't " have robbed this world
of many a talent and gift. Do not waste your time believing you cannot,
if you're going to be successful,
you need to give up the phrase "I can't "
and all other of its relatives such as
"if only I could " or "I wish I were able to".
Believe you are able because you are.
Believe you've got the right stuff. Believe that you are capable of making anything happen, that you're able to pull it off. You have to believe in yourself. Whether you call it self-esteem, self-confidence or self-assurance,it is a deep-seated belief that you have what it takes -the abilities, inner resources, talents and skills to create your desired results.
If you believe it is impossible, you will not do what is necessary, and you will not produce the result, but if you assume in favour of yourself and act as if it is possible, then you will do the things that are necessary to bring about the result. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
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