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DEVELOP YOUR MIND: Believe in the FACT that you can.

If you're going to develop your mind for success, then you have to believe that you are capable of making it happen. You are not an accident. You weren't mass produced. You aren't an assembly line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted and lovingly positioned on Earth by the Master Craftsman.                           Max Lucado. Believing in yourself is a choice. It is an attitude you develop. So many (if not too many) Africans today are trained - by the media, by parents and guardians, by our schools, by our culture - to have limiting "it's not possible, I don't deserve it" or "God knows I can't have it" beliefs. This early conditioning is often so ingrained that it takes continual external motivation to overcome the decades of negative influence and move toward more success-oriented thoughts and attitudes. The words "I can't " have robbed this world  of many a talent and ...
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Sitting Is Dangerous

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DEVELOP YOUR MIND : You're Responsible for Your Life, 100%

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Think Big

Your mind is your palace, in it you are whatever you choose.

The Power of the Mind (ideas)

The most lucrative occupation in the world today is not ICT, there are many ICT professionals with debt. It is not medicine, not all medical doctors have it made. It is definitely not law, education, agriculture or any other profession you can think of. It is nothing you go to school to learn either. Some of you might be thinking it’s entrepreneurship. Well,   take a break and recall that man or woman (or even you) you know, who has failed or is struggling with that business venture. Remember? Now let’s proceed. I know the suspense is already building up. Some of you are asking, “what is he talking about?” What then is the most lucrative occupation?” Here it comes. Ready? The most lucrative occupation in the world is, and has always been the ability to use your mind to think and generate ideas. I will save us the time of having to outline the list of names of several legitimate millionaires and billionaires all over the world today, but no matter what they do or how they...

Benefits of Exercise 2

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The power of the mind 2

As an African living on the African continent, I step out everyday to literal images of poverty, lack and ignorance. This is a continent blessed with numerous natural wealth. My own country (Nigeria) is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Agriculture yields abundantly because the land is rich and fertile. The entire continent is so beautiful – although I know very little about economics – I think tourism alone if and when really developed could significantly alter each country’s per-capita GDP. After World War II, most of Asia was on the same level, if not worse than their African counterparts. But the story today is painfully different. The likes of South Korea and Singapore amongst a host of others have grown from underdeveloped countries to first world countries. Worst still, they’ve achieved this without the advantage of the natural resources which are so abundant on the African Continent. What then is the difference? The answer is simple, minds...